Updated master site plan now available

Beacon Business Park has just released an updated master plan of the site for those seeking prime commercial property in Stafford.

The park has now completed infrastructure providing easy access from the A518, making it an ideal location for a range of businesses from light industrial to retail establishments and storage companies. With improved infrastructure, including a roundabout and park entrance, interest in commercial plots for sale has risen considerably.

Marston’s PLC is the first confirmed purchaser on the site, and a public house is currently under construction that is due to open June 2015.

Plot 22 (1 acre), has been sold and plots 6, 7 and 8 (3.84 acres), are currently under offer.

Detailed planning consent for a convenience store has also recently been granted. This has generated great interest from potential buyers looking for new investment opportunities in Stafford.

You can take a look at sites still on offer by visiting our availability page or download the latest site master plan here.

For more information about our commercial property to lease or buy on a design-and-build basis, please contact ISE Estates on 01785 256098 or email info@espleys.co.uk.

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Commercial property to let

Commercial property for sale

For all enquiries, contact the proprieter/developer directly

ISE Estates Ltd & ISE Trading Ltd

Unit G Beacon Business Park
Weston Road
ST18 0WL

t: 01785 256098 
: 01785 256116
e: info@espleys.co.uk  

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